CoolStore - Kitchen Furniture Store Shopify 2.0的主题
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CoolStore 响应 Shopify 2.0的主题 was 设计ed and created to give kitchen appliance dealers, 首页 utility showrooms & other 电子商务 providers an easy, quick, and economical method to build a website.
CoolStore kitchen Shopify theme is fully 响应 which is adaptable and easy-to-use. CoolStore offers you an attractive page layout with a full 首页page slideshow to show your highlight products and promotions. Besides, you can easily and beautifully place your top products with sliders.
CoolStore lets you represent the categories, banners and brands in a logical and eye-catching way interspersed among the layout elements. 除了, you can quickly create an awesome and stunning online kitchen 商店 with a simple Shopify Drag & 降低建造者. 3 .预制的商店页面 & 产品页面样式: left sidebar, right sidebar, without sidebar; along with 5 product types are perfect for showing your products most appealingly. You also can make use of other built-in inner pages such as: 4 博客 Page styles, About, Contact, P艺术ners and FAQ Page to strengthen your website.
- 响应设计
- 产品 Featured Slider
- 产品销售标签
- 网格 & 列表视图模式
- 顾客评论
- 产品猫头鹰旋转木马
- 宽屏滑块
- 切换菜单
- Ajax购物车
- 产品标签
- 产品特色滑块
- P艺术ner Information Widget
- 关于我们
- 联系页面
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